Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Do you have the BEST tools for the job?

Sometimes, you just don’t have the necessary equipment or the right tools to get the job done.

By the way, what the heck are the right tools or the necessary equipment?

How come guys in prison are getting strong as all heck with no weights and yet the guys at the local gym look the same for the past 5 years?

I interviewed a former inmate at The Underground and he unleashed some freaky tips on how he built up to doing push ups and squats with up to 3 guys on his back…..and that’s after he entered prison barely able to walk due to herniated discs!

======> http://undergroundstrengthcoach.com

You’ll discover these secrets in the 2 part interview (part 2 is going up this week and you don’t wanna miss it!)


So, do you have the right tools to be super successful?

Are the right tools things like barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells? Heck, those are all “tools”….

What about mental preparation? What separates those who are at the top and those who just can’t seem to “get it”?

The answer is simple….

There are a lot of tools, and many methods…..you can find what’s right for you though, but most never take that first step, instead they procrastinate….

All you have to do is take the first step.

=========> http://combatgrappler.com/store.html

Dedicated to your success,


PS – Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog at http://combatgrappler.blogspot.com/

PPS – Due to the overhwelming amount of e mails, I can no longer answer individual e mails.....Any questions can be sent to me two ways:

A) the Underground Forum: http://undergroundstrengthcoach.com

B) Q & A at http://elitefts.com


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