Tuesday, January 01, 2008

This Guy's Secret: Commercial Fitness

You may or may not know who this "guy" is, depends on your age.

Those of you who do know this man, you know just how deadly he was on the Football Field.

What he says here is a BIG reason why:

Too many people want to try to lift weights first, use olympic lifts, etc - 99 % of the time people are NOT ready to touch weights.

All of our athletes start off with what Herschel is talking about, plus some select few sled and farmer walk variations with different implements.

One of the Manuals in The Underground Strength Kit is dedicated to tons of bodyweight movements that can be performed with a partner.

The manual is the 'Ultimate Guide to No Rules Training' - it's part of the entire kit.

If you train in groups or with a team, you need to have this manual so you can use this arsenal of exercises to develop the raw power that eludes so many men today!

I love the idea of cranking out push ups, pull ups and squats during TV commercials. I have been advising this for years, good to see I'm in good company with my advice, don't you agree :)

Till the next time,

stay strong!


P.S. - The Underground Kit comes in 2 variations. A hard copy and an e book version.

You can save about $ 80 with the e book version, but for some of you, you may prefer the ease of carrying your books around plus, the hard copy comes with a DVD - The Underground Guide to Sled Training (I filmed this bad boy on a hot, humid day of 100 degrees!)

hard copy: http://UndergroundStrengthKit.com

e book: http://UndergroundStrengthManual.com


Blogger Dustin Aaron Sanchez said...

did he say 1500 pull ups? wow. I have lots of work to do

5:19 PM  

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