Sunday, July 02, 2006

Set Expectations, Then Achieve Them!

Above, 535 lbs await on the Trap Bar. Who will tear it off the floor? The answer is below!

There has to be expectations of yourself. If you're a Coach, you need to set expectations for others.

That's how we train at The Underground. Records are meant to be broken. Create the atmosphere and train your athletes appropriately so they can achieve their goals and keep on moving further up the ladder od success!

Check out two of our Football players blasting through a 535 lb deadlift no problem!

Jimmy Cooper and Brian Pascal have emerged as the team leaders for their high school Football team. They help the underclassmen train correctly and they break records at the high school gym as well.

These are the kind of athletes we accept at The Underground. Those who strive to break records and truly achieve their athletic potential.

For these two boys, their journey has only just begun!

Happy 4th of July to all!

Thank you for being part of the journey we all experience here at The Underground!

In strength,


p.s. - We want YOU to make money while spreading the Underground word! Nothing beats making money in your sleep! Use your affiliate link at your blog, your my space page or your web site(s)!

Go to to get started NOW!


Blogger Ty said...

Kickass. I always thought that trap bars are underused. I mean, I still intend to do normal deadlifts, but I think the trap bars look like the better staple. The only thing they lack is the intense shin conditioning you get from dragging barbells along them on a deadlift :p

11:59 AM  

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